What is laser therapy?

Also sometimes referred as cold laser, laser therapy is the technology of using of specific wavelengths of light to treat pain, debilitating conditions and promote wound healing. Laser therapy is used by vets and in human treatments throughout the world as a pain-relieving and healing tool with great results.

How does it work?

Light energy enters the damaged cells and stimulates inter-cellular activity. This reduces pain in the area and also speeds up the recovery of the damaged cells. Once the cells recover, the healing process is complete. As with pharmaceuticals, dosages are different for each condition. Treatments are applied by determining by the size of the animal and fur type and condition level.

Doggles are commonly used to protect the dog’s eyes from the light.

Benefits of laser therapy

  • Accelerated tissue repair
  • Reduces pain
  • Reduces scar formations
  • Faster wound healing
  • Restore range of motion
  • Improve physical function
  • Highly effective for many diseases
  • Painless treatments
  • Improves cell growth
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Improved nerve function
  • Non-invasive
  • Reduces the need for expensive pharmaceuticals

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